General information


The Department of Experimental Medicine (DMEX) was created in 2007 and is one of the three departments of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lleida (UdL). The teaching staff of DMEX teach in various degrees of the UdL such as Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as Biotechnology, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Psychology, Food Technology and Veterinary Medicine. They also participate in postgraduate teaching at the University of Lleida (University Master in Biomedical Research) and interuniversity (University Master in Neuroscience).

Management teams

The management teams of DMEX since its creation have been:

Dr. Reinald Pamplona (director) and Dr. Anna Casanovas (secretary); Dr. Jacint Boix (director) and Dr. Olga Tarabal (secretary); Dr. Olga Tarabal (director) and Dr. Jacint Boix (secretary); Dr. Loreta Medina (director) and Dr. Olga Tarabal (secretary)